Incidental Endodontic Course
Delegates who successfully complete this course will be awarded 7 hours Verifiable CPD
To update course delegates on modern strategies for primary endodontics in line with the best evidence, materials and equipment
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the session participants will be able to:
1) Choose an endodontic diagnosis and appropriately prescribe primary endodontics
2) Discuss the goals of endodontic treatment within the context of long term functional success
3) Choose an appropriate access and instrumentation sequence
4) Demonstrate how to prepare a canal safely using a variety of rotary instruments
5) Choose an appropriate irrigation, inter appointment dressing and obturation strategy
6) Demonstrate how to obturate a root canal
Development Outcomes:
This course CPD course meets the criteria for the GDC’s development outcome C and has been Quality Assured by Incidental Training LTD