Anya is famous for her diamond course reviews on Facebook. Funny, honest and to the point. Anya has been on almost all the courses going and so we were extra delighted to receive this 100 diamond review! We have copied it out in full so those not on facebook can enjoy!

Anya’s Diamond Course Review

Incidental Composite Course

Organised by:

Chris O' Connor, Ollie Bailey and Alan Burgin from Incidental Ltd.

I am awarding this course with a very Special Award :

For Uniqueness, Practicality


Bringing Dental Office Issues to the Bench

As you will all know when we attend composite courses, we are supercharged with new skills and go back to the dental office wanting to put new knowledge on how to place Insta-worthy composites into practice .

And ... this ... Monday morning feeling happens....., when the dam clamp pings off and goes flying like Julia Roberts' escargot in the movie Pretty Woman.

Or when the dreaded subgingival decay extends beyond your usual sikveland or promatrix strip depth.

You run out of time and there is the real present danger of going back to the old routine as deficient isolation doesn't allow for precise carving of secondary anatomy on the lower molar.

And then reality hits you. Your cusps and fissures may be awesome but it's the clinical, real life, challenging scenarios which are so different from a bench typodont, that cool off any idea of becoming the next Jason Statham... errr, sorry I meant Smithson, Jason Smithson.

Jokes aside.

Now that I am reasonable with my anatomy (for my previous courses, pls search other reviews), I wanted to get to grips with fine tuning rubber dam and solving the puzzle which sectional matrix system is the best for specific situations.

You all know these posts on FB with Palodent vs Garrison camps. It's like a tug of war - who will get most likes, will get the sale.

Truth is, it depends.

And here is where Incidental course comes into play.

3 days

(Finally! My prayers for a longer course were answered)

3 simultaneous teachers with academic, research and general practice background.

THIS IS NOT a "how to place your composite" course. Yes, there is basic information, but it's not what it is about.

THIS IS a " bring all the Dental Directory toys

to every delegate and play with everything there is on the market" course.

We had so much of everything to use that we were stacking it vertically on the bench for lack of room.

You can look up the details on each day on their website and the course DELIVERS on every goal.

Delegates were also asked to make a list of their personal challenges - and these were all COVERED as well.

Chris, Alan and Ollie with their enthusiasm and erudition give you an answer not only to your question, but to different scenarios of your question. This is followed with demos and unraveling more treasures from their Alladin's cave.

You learn bonding systems and protocols, types of compo fillings, clamp types, dam techniques, matrices, wedges, ring systems, conventional systems, deep margin elevation, soft tissue management, matrix in matrix, when to PTFE and when not to PTFE, liquid dam, sequencing, protocols and much, much more.

This course is a gift that keeps on giving, so much so it reminded me of the Arabian Tales from the Book of the Thousand Nights.

I was, to put simply, in dental course heaven.

This is a 80% hands on course. 3 days. 9-5, ending at 6.

Extremely well put together with awesome quality of presentations.

Blonde proof; every technique is broken down into baby steps and then repeated many a times to etch itself in your brain and memory muscles.

Unhurried pace with lots of time to try anything you like.

Quality of instruments, dams, matrices, burs and polishers is top level. The punched holes were delightful and crisp. The dam never shed a single tear.

And to top it off , cherry on the cake, I got to try a pink dental dam

My rating is 100 Anya's diamonds

(scale 0-10)

Yes, this is how good it is and how it will revolutionise my practice.


If you look at how many courses are organised annually, you could make yourself busy 3x over wanting to attend them all and have no time for work.

And so the idea for my reviews came for 2 reasons:

1. Help colleagues in choosing a course

2. A sign of appreciation for the hard, unseen work that goes behind a career of an educator.

I don't review all courses I attend. A course must tick some boxes for me to write about it. As anything is life, please understand what is not for me, may work for you. And there are still courses I haven't attended ( yes I know it is hard to believe ).

I have not been paid or asked to write this review.